史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗”

网友 6年前 2791 ℃ 导读

1.塑料姐妹花:toxic friends2.求锤得锤:you want it,they have it.3.吃瓜群众:Watermelon-Eating Spectators4.大吉大利,晚上吃鸡:winnner winner,chicken dinner5.嘴上笑嘻嘻,心里mmp:fine thank you6.戏精:Drama Queen/ atten...

1.塑料姐妹花:toxic friends

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第1张

2.求锤得锤:you want it,they have it.

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第2张

3.吃瓜群众:Watermelon-Eating Spectators

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第3张

4.大吉大利,晚上吃鸡:winnner winner,chicken dinner

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第4张

5.嘴上笑嘻嘻,心里mmp:fine thank you

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第5张

6.戏精:Drama Queen/ attention whore

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7.打call:To cheer for someone

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第7张

8.小拳拳捶你胸口:tolerate my little fist tugging on your forest chest

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第8张

9.你心里没点X数吗:How could you be so confused?/I know you understand it.

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第9张

10.尬聊:An awkward conversation/chat

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11.蓝瘦香菇:Skinny Blue Mushroom

史上最全网络流行语英文版 “你心里没点X数吗” 网络热词 第11张

12.葛优瘫:Ge You Slouch

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13.我可能交了假的男盆友:I might have a false bf


15.扎心了,老铁:Mate,you shock me

16.你有freestyle 吗?:Do you have a freestyle?


18.老司机:Old Hand

19.请开始你的表演!: It's your stage now!

20.还有这种操作?: How can you perform this operation?

21.贫穷限制了我的想象力!:Poverty leads to the limitation on my imagination!

22.也是醉了:Are you kiding me?/I become crazy.

23.蛮拼的:pretty strenuous

24.保证不打死你:I promise you won't get killed.


26.我读书少,你别骗我:I don't have much education,don't try to fool me.

27.我只想安安静静做个美男子:Let me be a quiet and handsome boy.

28.明明可以靠脸吃饭,偏偏要靠才华:You are Chris Evans but you still try hard to act and direct.

29.友谊的小船说翻就翻:Sinking Friend"ship"

30.有钱就是任性:rich and bitch

31.你的良心不会痛吗?:Could you just be compassionate?

32.重要的事情说三遍:Thrice to emphasize.

33.世界那么大,我想去看看:There is such a lot of world to see

34.你们城里人真会玩:You city folk/townrats/ city people really know how to party/how to play/ how to live it up/how to have fun...

35.吓死宝宝了:BAO-BAO, or Baby/You scared me!

36.我想静静:Leave me alone.


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